Family Yoga Class, Dovercourt House

Saturday Sept. 19, 1:30 - 2:30 pm:
Family Yoga Class (all ages)

Please reply to this email or call (416-944-2888) to confirm you can make it and reserve a spot.

Space is limited in each class. Include the names and current ages of the youth who can attend. Spots will be filled as we get confirmation if you can make both classes,let us know and we will let you know if space if available.

Here are the details and location:

Saturday Sept. 19, 1:30 - 2:30 pm: Family Yoga Class (all ages)
Sunday Sept. 20, 3 - 5 pm: Kids Yoga Camp: Ages 5 and up (exceptions can be made for mature 4's)

Where: Dovercourt House
805 Dovercourt Ave. ( north of Bloor St., East of Dufferin and West of Ossington)

Sunday Sept. 20, 3 - 5 pm:
Kids Yoga Camp: Ages 5 and up
(exceptions can be made for mature 4's)

New Times for Kids Yoga Classes

Thank you to everyone who has helped make our kids yoga teacher certification extra special by bringing your children to the yoga classes. This practicum sets our training apart from others and is a highlight for many participants because they learn what teaching real kids is actually like. It brings what we have been learning into reality, teachers feel ready to go teach other kids.

At this time we have over 30 families on our list for the kids yoga classes and we would like to offer kids yoga opportunities to as many people as possible. So we are trying a new format with more teaching time and allow more of you to join the kids yoga classes. Here's the new class schedule:

Saturday Sept. 19, 1:30 - 2:30 pm:
Family Yoga Class (all ages)

Sunday Sept. 20, 3 - 5 pm:
Kids Yoga Camp: Ages 5 and up
(exceptions can be made for mature 4's)

The theme of the weekend is: Yoga Literacy with The Frog Yoga Alphabet. Here are some pictures of the last Kids Camp using the Alphabet cards, a scavenger hunt and word games.

Some Important info:

bring your yoga mat and water bottle (with the new times we will no longer have snack)

The Paperwork for the class (Release Form) is available here or at the training, if it is your first time, please read it over and make sure your child has a signed copy.

As always the class is free because it is part of our Teacher Training,

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail or call: 416-944-2888.

I'm looking forward to seeing you there.

Yours truly,


Aruna Kathy Humphrys
Young Yoga Masters

P.S. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a kids yoga teacher, please share the news of the upcoming weekend training. We are a registered Children's Yoga School with Yoga Alliance and we give a Certificate for each weekend training. The full details of the training are here. We appreciate any referrals you can send our way.

Please note the upcoming dates for our training, times will be set as we see how things work. We hope you can join us again at these kids yoga events:

Sept. 19 - 20, 2015 Weekend: Yoga Literacy Certificate
Oct. 24-25/15 Weekend:What I See, I Can Be Certificate
Jan. 23-24, 2016 Weekend: Themes and Dreams Certificate
Feb. 27-28, 2016 Weekend: Inclusive Yoga Certificate
April 1-3, 2016 weekend: Visit our booth and classes at the Yoga Show
April 23 - 24, 2016 Weekend: Ages and Stages Certificate
May 28-29, 2016 Weekend:Branching Out Certificate

P.P.S. Did you know Aruna also teaches an Adult Yoga Class every Thursday in the Annex?

Kundalini Yoga with Aruna Santokh
Thursday's 6 - 7:30 pm
348 Palmerston Blvd.
Cost: $15 drop-in, 5 Classes $60 (+ tax)
Please call: 416-944-2888 for more information

This is a very friendly class that is suitable for beginner and intermediate levels. Each class includes yoga and meditation and a beautiful relaxation at the end. Come out and give it a try!