Runes: Whispers From The Past

Runes: Whispers From The Past

Runes are an ancient alphabet that was used before the Roman alphabet we use today. These letters differ from the Roman letters in that each Rune not only makes a sound, but has a meaning as well. The word "Rune" actually means "mystery", "secret" or "whisper". We chose to use Runes on Terra Cotta Pendants because of the wonderful symbolism. Included with the Rune Pendants is a card which tells its meaning (Click on any design to see the meaning!) See more information on Runes below the designs!

Each Rune Pendant is individually packaged in a repurposed bag with the design name and instructions for use on the enclosure card. On the back of the card is the meaning of the rune.

Ancient Parchments

Although runes were likely scribed on paper, most often the canvas used was smooth flat stones, pebbles and pieces of hardwood, metal or leather. The difficulty of carving into these hard surfaces with crude tools explains why this script developed with mostly straight and simple lines.

From The First Century AD To The 1980s

Runes were the alphabet of choice for many different cultures, including the Germans, English, Danish, Norwegians, Icelandic and Russians. They were spread throughout the Northern European continent by trade traffic, travelling adventurers and warriors. Their popularity spans from the first century AD until well into the Middle Ages.

Runes could be found engraved on coins, amulets, drinking cups, battle spears, coffins, the lintels of dwellings and the prows of ships. They were even sanctioned by the Church in some places. But in 1639, when the Church sought to drive the "evil" practices out of Europe, the runes, because of their connection to magic, were officially banned. It was not until the mid nineteen eighties, thanks to the growing interest in "New Age" philosophies, that the richly symbolic script of the runes became known once more.

Gift From The Past Enjoyed Today

Today runes have gained popularity as a rich set of symbols abundant in meaning. People use runes to shed light on present circumstances and serve as a guide to self-awareness and spiritual growth.

pilgrimage, change,
destiny, quest,
progress, life lessons

bliss, peace, pleasure,
success, reward, joy,
achievement of goals,

sanctuary, assistance,
defense, mentor,
spirit guides

fertility, health,
conception, plenty,
new beginnings

GIFT relationship, love, marriage,
generosity, unexpected good fortune

success, increase,
positive energy, health,
completion, wholeness,
path to awareness

strength, duty,
discipline, responsibility,
the warrior path

wisdom, insight,
enlightenment, creativity,