FULL DAY Mamalicious! Fun to Make, Safe Recipes for Mother and Baby Workshop

Price: $155.00

Please refer to the page below to see which amount goes with what you want. Please be sure you order what you need.

WHAT: Mother & Baby Care with Tracey TieF
WHEN: Monday, September 17th, 2012 10AM - 4PM
WHERE: At Anarres 792-A Dovercourt Road Toronto M6H2X3
1.5 blocks N Bloor, 1/2 block N, 1 block W Delaware exit of Ossington subway
REGISTER Below, please.

Want to care for your baby, partner or children in a healthful, non toxic way, but don't know where to begin? Learn how aromatherapy and massage can help, and all the no-nos for a healthful, non-toxic life. Learn to be Mamalicious!

Are you new parents fully-gifted with a hundred products you're not sure are safe or useful? What are the benefits of pregnancy, labour and post-partum massage? Got a baby shower coming up and don't know what to offer as a gift? Why massage your baby? Got a baby with a diaper rash that makes both of you crazy? Afraid to give your nature-freak new mother friend/sister/daughter anything nice for fear it will be rejected for being unhealthy? What essential oils and botanicals are safe and effective for the childbearing year?

You'll hear the answer to these questions, and discover how to find clear and correct answers to all of your concerns. You'll be horrified to learn what ingredients are commonly found in baby oil, wipes, creams and soaps, and learn how to find or make healthful alternatives. You'll learn the percentages of botanicals and especially essential oils that are safe for babies, toddlers and children, and mother in her childbearing year.

Not only that, but this hands-on workshop will have you creating nourishing concoctions with natural ingredients that are safe for mother and baby. You’ll come away with new found knowledge and expertise, armed with recipes and sample goodies for the mamas and babes in your life... and maybe you, too!

We'll make:

1. Bath and Massage Oil to help restore mother and soothe baby
2. Coconut Baby Lotion
3. Baby Wash/Shampoo
4. Zinc Diaper Cream
5. Baby Balm

With the handy information Tracey TieF will provide at this workshop, you'll be empowered to choose, and create, products for the babies, mothers and children in your life that are not only non toxic, but healthy.

What participants in Mamalicious Workshops say:

Just wanted to say thank-you again for the workshop. I've got cold and I've actually been using the balm on my nose to soothe it after blowing so much! I love it.

Paloma (Hanlon, teacher, England)

Tracey is a fantastically knowledgeable teacher...I love learning from her and knowing more about how to take care of myself and my family. Her workshop was well structured with a nice little sample of what we made to take home, plus information on how to make up my own recipe next time.

~ Fleur Hanlon www.kaibalance.com

Regular: $175 per person + HST after September 10, 5pm.
Pre registered and pre paid on or by september 10, 5pm.: NOW ONLY! $155 + HST*
Register & pre pay with a friend: $125 per person + HST (select $250)*
Workshopper Card Holders: counts as 6 hours, or 3*2 hour workshops.
Email me to top up your hours, or buy another workshopper card here: http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/275. Thanks!

* Your registration must be paid on time or you will not receive the prepaid early discount.