Oil: Coconut, ethically sourced and Certified Organic DISCONTINUED

Price: $1.95
Oil: Coconut

Cocos nucifera Cold Pressed, QAI Certified Organically Grown

Description: Coconut oil is solid at room temperature (except in summer), but melts quickly on the skin. It is used to create a barrier on the skin and has an SPF value of @15. It is also the preferred oil for high quality cold process soapers because it produces lather.

Colour: Clear when liquid, white when solid.

Aroma: Natural coconut oil has a very slight coconut scent, but is generally considered odourless.

Common Uses: Coconut can often replace expensive moisturizers, cold creams and night creams while providing excellent skin softening, moisturizing, rejuvenating and sunscreening (SPF 15) properties.

Coconut is a preferred oil for both the soap making (it produces rich lather) and cosmetic manufacturing industries.

Consistency: Solid at room temperatures. Gentle heating is required.

Absorption: Coconut creates an oily, yet well absorbed protective barrier on the skin.

Shelf life: Coconut oil is slow to go rancid; users can expect a minimum shelf life of 6 months to 1 year with proper storage conditions (cool, out of direct sunlight). Refrigeration after opening is recommended.

Cautions: Direct application to the face with coconut should be avoided because of possible allergic reactions.

Sold in the following formats:

100g Bulk: You may bring your container into Anarres Natural Health for refilling at a discount.

100g Steel: in a 250 sized stainless steel canister (light and unbreakable for shipping). http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/328

150g Glass: in a 250 sized glass jar (beautiful multipurpose refillable jar!). http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/216

Retails for $15 elsewhere when packaged 150g in glass jars.
This is a bulk, wholesale price!