Hair Care Workshop! 6 hour intensive at New Directions Aromatics

10/22/2010 10:00 am
10/22/2010 4:30 pm

Caught in a vicious cycle of flaky scalp, frizzy hair, then oily scalp, lifeless hair? That's the cycle if you are using almost any shampoo. Commercial shampoos can strip the scalp, leading to dandruff, defensive production of oil, and even hair loss! This hands-on workshop will have you discovering the secrets of natural hair care using real soaps, botanical extracts, clays, floral waters and other enriching ingredients, plus essential oils for scalp health and radiant hair.

You'll learn how to identify your hair's needs, and choose the ingredients that will work best for you. You'll make and take home a customized:

• Dry Shampoo
• Wet Shampoo
• Conditioner
• Floral/Herbal Rinse
• PH Balancing Rinse
• Hair Treatment

You'll come away with a basket full of products you've made for yourself, a handout with instructions, a glossary and recipes, plus skills that will serve you for a lifetime.

You’ll also get a book, a free gift and a discount coupon!

Lunch is provided and parking is free!

Register here: