Touched by the Chilean Mining Rescue? Consider Canada'a Role in Mining!

Us Canadians benefit from mining all over the planet from the Canadian operations overseas to the things we use every day (pots, containers, twist ties, bath salts, baking soda etc). Did you know that most mining operations in the world today are Canadian ventures? Did you know that Canadian standards are not applied outside of Canada and are responsible for up to 800 miner's deaths per year? Did you know that Canadian mining interests take tax dollars to commit what would be crimes here in Canada?

Take action to help the people who mine gain the human rights, safety and security we enjoy! Say no to industrial homicide!

BILL C-300 CONNECTS THE DOTS BETWEEN CANADA AND CHILEAN NEAR-DISASTER, by Ish Theilheimer. Canada's huge footprint in global mining calls for strong regulation and accountability.

SUPPORT BILL C-300, from KAIROS. Tell mining companies to protect workers and environment.

CHILEAN COPPER MINE FLOUTED WORKER SAFETY, by Lindsay Beyerstein. Now mining company warns of bankruptcy.

EXPORTING DEATH, by Gerald Caplan. Asbestos pushing hurts Canada's credibility.