Price: $10.00
Sweetgrass Braid


Sold by the braid.
LARGE 27-30"
MEDIUM 24-26"
SMALL 12-23"

Hierochloe odorata Plant part: Leaf
Organically harvested and braided in Manitoba Canada at a traditional medicine camp within a Cree community.

Photo By Jamfam1000 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

Sweetgrass is one of the most powerful herbs to clear energetic space. The burning of Sweetgrass for ceremonial purposes has been part of the native culture in North America. Sweetgrass was once used in Europe as a strewing herb where it was laid at the entrance to churches - especially on saints’ days. It is believed that the practice of using the grass in European churches gave rise to the botanical name Hierochloe or Holy grass.

Sweet grass is used for:

~ Cleansing a space
~ Clearing the energy of a room
~ Emotional protection
~ Balancing oneself on all levels.

Therapeutic and Energetic Uses of Sweetgrass:
~ Uplifting and extremely energetically protective
~ Powerful for space clearing and smudging
~ Excellent for removing old energeric debris and energies on all levels
~ Use as an invocation smudge to "set and call in new energies"
~ Beautiful deodorizer for rooms and cars alone or blended with essential oils

Our sweetgrass braid supplier writes:

Remember any medicine can not be bought as it belongs to our Mother Earth. You are paying for the time, effort and expense it takes for our people and myself to pick, prepare, harvest all medicines so that they heal, cleanse and always keep the positive energy. All medicines are given an offering with prayer.

I have been blessed with so many teachings from my elders and wish to pass my knowledge. I am always learning and my life has been so enriched by what the creator has provided for me.