Cupuacu Butter, Unrefined, sold by the gram
Theobroma grandiflorum seed butter, unrefined from Brazil. Commonly known as cupuaçu, also spelled cupuassu, cupuazú, cupu assu, or copoasu, is a tropical rainforest tree related to cacao.
Sold by the gram, $0.1103/g. Please bring or order a bag.
MAIL OR PICK UP ORDER (pre-packed)
You must (please) order a minimum of 100g and buy a biodegradable bag or container. We reserve the right to change your container to a more appropriate size as needed and to credit or invoice you for any difference in your total order cost.
Cupuacu Butter is native to Brazil and is extracted by cold pressing the seeds of the Cupuacu tree, which is commonly cultivated throughout the Amazonian basin. The Cupuacu butter contains phytosterols, an unsaponifiable component that helps to slow down the deterioration of the skin. Recent research studies have shown that Phytosterols help to promote the elasticity and suppleness of the skin. It is hard at room temperature and has a very thick and creamy consistency. Cupuacu butter also has a mild and sweet aroma to it.
Common Uses: Cupuacu Butter has a high capacity for water absorption, making it an excellent emollient, which can be used in body butters, creams, lotions, and foundations to prevent drying of the skin. It is a creamy butter, which reduces skin degeneration and assists in skin flexibility, promoting pleasant touch, smoothness and softness to the skin, while boosting the recovery of its natural moisture and elasticity. Cupuacu Butter is also highly beneficial for dry and damaged hair, promoting deep, long-lasting hydration. Its high water absorption capacity also makes it an effective alternative to lanolin for vegetable-based products. A member of the chocolate family, Cupuacu Butter does not contain theobromine and can be used by anyone to whom stimulants are forbidden.
Recommended Usage:
• Lotions & Creams: 3% - 5%
• Balms: 5% - 100%
• Bar Soaps: 3% - 6%
• Hair Conditioners: 2% - 5%
Shelf Life: This butter should be stored in a cool dark place and has a shelf-life of approximately 1 year when stored properly.
Photo thanks to Wikipedia and By P. S. Sena - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,