What's New at Anarres July 2014

Just Listed!
Birch Tar Essential Oil: campfire in a bottle!
Birch Tar Essential Oil has been traditionally used as the active ingredient in tar soap and ointments at 10% for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis. When mixed with other essential oils, it has also been used as an insect repellent. I use it as a fixative in perfume.

Made Fresh

Simply Shea Cream Fluffy, smoothe SPF-y and non greasy! http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/919
Cougar Balm Your local ingredient, non petroleum alternative to "Tiger Balm"

Zapatista Gift Items

Limited Edition Incenses
Just created, %4 pack of 10 in 100% compostable packaging:
Sensuality with petitgrain, rose geranium and yang yang
Stimulate with lemon, wintergreen and patchouli
Relaxation with bergamot, frankincense and chamomile

plus fresh:
Fluid Focus with grapefruit, palmarosa and frankincense http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/136