Blend: Positivity Essential Oil

Price: $15.00
A girl holds daisies over her eyes representing positivity

100% essential oil blend with emotional and possibly magickal clout!

Emotional Properties: This revitalizing blend stimulates the conscious mind, warding off and dispelling negative imagery.

Physical Properties: Physically stimulating, strengthening and powerfully antiseptic, this blend supports general health and detoxification.

Lavender releases anxiety related to self pity and worry.
Petitgrain calms anger, and relieves stress and fatigue.
Fir balsam installs a healthy, safe, boundary so you can be at home in yourself.

10 ml 100% essential oil blend in a sealed cobalt blue glass bottle with white dripulator.

Essential oils and blends can most often be filled for pick up the same day, and for courier pick up the next day! My business hours are 8 am to 8 pm Sundays through Thursdays.


I carry over 500 sustainably harvested and fairly traded essential oils, resins, absolutes, extracts and dozens of enriching, infused and carrier oils, making Anarres Natural Health the most ethical and local source for essential oils in Toronto. #Essential #Oils #Toronto

#MadeInToronto #Toronto #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness #Bloordale #Bloorcourt #BloorWest #Aromatherapy #ZeroWaste #ShopEthical #Fairtrade #Green #NaturalRelief #EssentialOils #SootheAndRelax