QUESTION OF THE MONTH: Deterring Fabric Moths

Q: Hello Tracey,
Many thanks for your always informative newsletters. I trust you are keeping safe and well. I have a question: would you possibly be able to recommend any specific essential oil/s that would help deter moths if placed in woollen clothes that have been packed up for the summer months?? I’ve noticed an abundance of moths recently and am concerned.
Thank you. Please continue to remain hopeful and positive.
Kind regards, B.Y.

A: As usual, and perhaps unexpectedly coming from an aromatherapist, essential oils are not my primary recommendation! The most effective moth deterrent is to wash your fabrics so they don't have body oils on them for the moths to eat, and to heat or sun dry the fabrics so that the larva are killed.

If (okay, WHEN) I find moths or those telltale cocoons on my textiles, I wash them as usual in warm water and soap with borax , then I hot dry them, or put them out in the sun for a whole day on each side!

Then you can use any #cedar #essential oil or smelly #cedarwood wood to deter them. Seal textiles in bags when storing. You can refresh cedarwood balls or cedarwood panelling in closets with generous amounts of your favourite cedarwood essential oil. Sprinkling oil on a cloth you are not attached to and putting it in the bag also works. You can go very old school and sprinkle herbs or use sachets of mints , lavender and/or rosemary herb, but as soon as the scent is gone, you'll need to replace them or refresh them with essential oil. I've never ever found evidence that one species works better than any other - so choose sweet #Himalayan , musky #Texas , #Chinese or #Virginian (most commonly used by industry), or #Atlas aka #Atlantica , the one used most historically. Knowing the basics of essential oil chemistry, I'd say there's a good chance that any strong evergreen scent would repel moths!! So after you wash and dry your beloved textiles, choose the scents you'll enjoy the most, and make those freeloading house faeries move out!

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