For The Body: Head to Toe, Skin & Facial Care

For The Body: Head to Toe, Skin & Facial CareEverything for everyone's body! Skin creams and lotions, custom creams, serums... from foot cream to toothpaste to hair care!
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Foot_Toe_Fugus_Drops_AnarresFoot and Toe Fungus Drops$15.00
Lavanda nana (Lavandula angustifolia) var. "Hidcote blue"  Fam. LamiaceaeFloral Water: Lavender$6.01
Flavouring: Vanilla Extract, alcohol-freeFlavour: Vanilla Extract, Alcohol-free Food Grade$0.06
Fennel Seeds, Certified Organic, Sold by the gramFennel Seeds, Certified Organic, Sold by the gram$0.05
Facial Sponge: Konjac Potato, 100% CompostableFacial Sponge: Konjac Potato, 100% Compostable$8.50
Facial sponge: All-Vegetable Soft Scrub Cosmetic PadsFacial sponge: All-Vegetable Soft Scrub Cosmetic Pads$0.75
Cosmetic_Pads_Cotton_Organic_StackFacial Pads: Cotton & Bamboo Set of 10$22.50
Herb: Eyebright, Certified OrganicEyebright, Certified Organic, Sold by the Gram$0.06
Wild_yam-root-Extract_AnarresExtract: Wild Yam Root Powder$0.10
Extract: White Willow Bark 14:1 Botanical PowderExtract: White Willow Bark 14:1 Powder, sold by the gram$0.11