For the Bodycare Maker: DIY Tools, Ingredients & Packaging

For the Bodycare Maker: DIY Tools, Ingredients & PackagingI am offer ingredients and packaging at wholesale prices. If you need a large amount, contact me and I'll get you a better price or refer you.
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Clay: Green French IlliteClay: Green French Illite, by the gram$0.05
Clay: Kaolin, White, SuperfineClay: White Kaolin, Superfine, sold by the gram$0.05
hand_santiizer_gel_AnarresHand Sanitizer: Gel 65% Alcohol, sold by the gram$0.05
African Black Soap from Ghana_AnarresSoap: African Black from Ghana by the gram$0.05
Powder: HoneyPowder: Honey, sold by the gram$0.05
Clay: Grey Moss French, sold by the gramClay: Grey Moss French, sold by the gram$0.05
Clay: Caramel French Clay, sold by the gramClay: Caramel French Clay, sold by the gram$0.05
Clay: Ivory French, sold by the gramClay: Ivory French, sold by the gram$0.05
Clay: Grey Mineral, French, sold by the gramClay: Grey Mineral, French, sold by the gram$0.05
Clay: Beige French, sold by the gramClay: Beige, French, sold by the gram$0.05