For the Bodycare Maker: DIY Tools, Ingredients & Packaging

For the Bodycare Maker: DIY Tools, Ingredients & PackagingI am offer ingredients and packaging at wholesale prices. If you need a large amount, contact me and I'll get you a better price or refer you.
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Workshop: Aromatherapy for Healing the SpiritWorkshop: Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit$60.00
INCENSES_ANARRES_POST_WED MAY 15Workshop: Aromatherapy Incenses!$60.00
Workshop: Aromatherapy for Healing the SpiritWorkshop: Balms and Salves for Everything! Intro$10.00
candle jam post Anarres_4x6Workshop: Candles Rolled, Dipped and Container$10.00
Workshop: Caring For Your Hair NaturallyWorkshop: Caring For Your Hair Naturally$200.00
Workshop: Caring for Your Hair Naturally, IntroWorkshop: Caring for Your Hair Naturally, Intro$10.00
Workshop: Create an Individual Aromatherapy PrescriptionWorkshop: Create an Individual Aromatherapy Prescription$60.00
A young woman holds a seedling in her cupped handsWorkshop: Creating Your Green Holistic Health Business$200.00
A young woman holds a seedling in her cupped hands.Workshop: Creating Your Green Holistic Health Business Online$0.00
Workshop: Therapeutic Essential Oils for MassageWorkshop: DIY Aromatherapy Massage Oils$10.00