Essential Oils, Blends, Perfumes & Incences

Essential Oils, Blends, Perfumes & IncencesI offer therapeutic grade essential oils that I use in my practice. All essential oils are hand bottled to order. The essential oils I carry pass through very few hands, making these fairly and horizontally traded ingredients many times more affordable than drug store and multi-level marketed essential oils. All of my essential oils are ethically produced and are free from pesticides or chemical fertilizers!

Important Note: The information provided in the oil profiles is for educational purposes only. This data is not complete and is not guaranteed to be accurate. Please read the essential oil safety information before using any essential oils.

Please email Tracey TieF, CNHP, RAHP, with any specific questions or concerns regarding your use of any essential oil purchased from Anarres.

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Perfume: three jars of Spiced Amber Cream by AnarresPerfume: Spiced Amber Cream$19.00
Unicorn horn powder in corked glass bottle by AnarresPerfume: Unicorn Horn Perfumed Powder$10.00
Perfumery Alcohol, in Bulk by the gramPerfumery Alcohol, in Bulk$4.55
Illustration of Myroxylon pereira Peru Balsam in ''Koehler's Medicinal-Plants'' Peru Balsam essential oil$10.79
 Mandarin fruit on a tree branch (Citrus reticulata) photographed in a greenhousPetitgrain Orange Leaf Essential Oil$11.11
Photo of Karma Coop Pick up Your Order at Karma Food Co-Op!Pick up Your Order at Karma Food Co-Op!$0.00
Pinus pinaster the maritime aka cluster pine tree in front of ocean.Pine Maritime Essential Oil$10.03
Pinus sylvestris aka Scott's pine (Dawes Arboretum, Licking County, Ohio, USA)Pine Scotch Social Enterprise Essential Oil$5.86
Cryptocarya mackinnoniana aka Ravensara aromatica flowers and immature fruitRavensara Ho Wood Essential Oil$9.43
Leaves and buds of the ravintsara Cinnamomum camphora tree in Queensland, Aus.Ravintsara Ho Leaf Social Enterprise Essential Oil $4.67