Custom Talk or Workshop YOU (or Anarres) HOSTS!

Price: $10.00

Please refer to the page below to see which amount goes with what you want. Please be sure you order what you need.

tell us which type you want

ttf Custom Talk or OUTDOOR Workshop YOU HOST!


I am offering 2-hour hands-on DIY Workshops at Group Rates! (see offerings on this website) with the following conditions:

If you are the host, you provide:
* A private outdoor space with tables and chairs where 2 metres distance is possible between participants, and masks to be worn over mouth and nose.

* Electricity that reaches the teacher's table if needed.

* Up to ten participants from whom you collect fees due at least 1 week from the workshop date.

* Full names, email addresses and phone numbers of participants 1 week from the workshop date.

* Transportation with masking if YOUR location is more than a 20-minute bike ride from Anarres Apothecary M6H1M6

My safety boundaries I reserve the right to discontinue the workshop at any point without a refund if my safety conditions are not met throughout the setup, workshop and clean up.

Availability: I am generally available to facilitate workshops on Sundays and Mondays ending by 8 pm.

Inclement Weather In the case of rain or heat alert, we will negotiate rebooking the workshop without penalty with 24 hours minimum notice.

To book and begin customizing your workshop, a non-refundable but transferable with a 1-week cancellation notice deposit of $10 per participant is required.
1. SELECT $10 x # participants to pay the Materials Fee.
2. SELECT $20 x # participants to pay the full workshop Tuition Fee.
To pay the full fee, you will add the Materials Fee for each participant, then the full Tuition Fee.

My rate for a 2-hour DIY workshop that you or Anarres' hosts is the Group Rate of $20 plus $10 per participant materials cost. Materials include workshop notes and at least one product made by each participant.

All group workshops require a $10 Materials Fee per person to cover my costs. SELECT THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AND $10 IN THE SLIDING SCALE MENU to pay this.

NON PROFITS & CHARITIES Perhaps I can do a workshop for you by Honoraria. Let's negotiate. Please contact me at Tracey AT Anarres Health DOT ca.


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