Mask: Filtre, Five Layer, PM 2.5 Activated Carbon

Price: $7.50
Mask: Filtre, Five Layer, PM 2.5 Activated Carbon
Mask: Filtre, Five Layer, PM 2.5 Activated Carbon how toMask: Filtre, Five Layer, PM 2.5 Activated Carbon measuredMask: Filtre, Five Layer, PM 2.5 Activated Carbon layers 6Mask: Filtre, Five Layer, PM 2.5 Activated Carbon layersMask: Filtre, Five Layer, PM 2.5 Activated Carbon blueMask: Filtre, Five Layer, PM 2.5 Activated Carbon layers 2

* 5 Layer Protective PM 2.5 Disposable Mask Pads
* Filter or Safety and Anti-Dust Face Masks
* Replacement Pad for Washable Face Masks and Respirators

Size: Adult 12.0*8.0cm; Child 10.0*7.0cm

Notice: mask filter only, mask not included.

$7.50/10 filtres OR

$25/50 filtres


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