Anarres Featured in 52 Projects: Lather, Rinse, Repeat … au naturel!

Lather, Rinse, Repeat … au naturel!
September 26, 2010 by gardenofsimple

There’s something magical that happens when you put my sister and I together in a room. Effortlessly, we both fly into uber-productive mode. It never feels like we’re being really productive, though. Often there’s a lot of giggling, time spent making up songs on the spot, and searching for our favourite videos on youtube. (Seriously. Click the link.) But between all of that, amazing things happen.

Last Tuesday was one of those nights. Between 7pm-10pm, we made a huge pot of chili, a round of cornbread, a corkboard, 1 litre of home-made shampoo, and a silly song. Yup, it was a pretty amazing night.

Because things have been so crazy lately, and in an effort to catch up on my postings, I’m just gonna cut to the chase. I now give you…

How To Make Your Own Shampoo!


500 mL chamomile flower water
10 g xanthan gum
5-10 mL lemon oil
5-10 mL cedarwood oil
500 mL liquid castile soap

Before we begin with the instructions, I need to give another huge shout out to Tracey at Anarres Natural Health. You may remember Tracey from such posts as How To Make Your Own Sunscreen. Well, let me say, Tracey was my one-stop shop for not only all the materials mentioned, but also for a great deal of information about making shampoo. Thank you Tracey!!!

So, to start… Read the rest here