Dance Our Way Home: 2012 Chrysalis Series @ Urban Nirvana

01/04/2012 6:30 pm
01/04/2012 8:15 pm

2012 Chrysalis Series @ Urban Nirvana

New DOWH facilitators welcome you to the 2012 Chrysalis Dance Our Way Home Series at Urban Nirvana! Each Wednesday evening from 630-815pm you are invited to be enamored by your own movements, to fall in love with dance all over again, to be free of restraints and to connect with other women in this healing, empowering practice!

2012 brings waves of transformation and promises moments of great change. When we give up who we think we are, so that we can surrender to who we are becoming, we allow our own and collective transformation to unfold.

With our 2012 DOWH Chrysalis Series we will be discovering how to trust our wings with Anna, taking steps inward with Vanya, planting new seeds for the new year with Astrid, claiming ground with Tara, finding out where magick and reality meet with Tracey, honouring our dark moon time with Heryka, unveiling our greatness with Britta, co-creating with Savita and so much more over these 14 juicy weeks of Dance Our Way Home at Urban Nirvana!

Dance Our Way Home, co-created by Erica Ross and Nan Keyser, provides an opportunity for women to go on a transformational self journey through a unique combination of free-style dance woven together with life-affirming ideas and teachings, relaxation exercises and guided imagery. It is a complete experience that touches body, heart, mind and soul, where every woman is free to move at her own pace, in her own way! For more info on Dance Our Way Home visit the website:


Caterpillars have “imaginal cells”-cells that are able to imagine becoming a butterfly! In the chrysalis stage the imaginal cells come to life and transform the caterpillar into a bright being of wings and flight. Each of us who listens to the Earth and all her creatures, celebrates the Goddess, or imagines a new society free of constraints is an imaginal cell of the transformed world.

Have you ever watched the magical moment when a butterfly emerges from the chrysalis?! View here

and here!

Come discover your own emerging process with the Chrysalis Series,
each Wednesday at Urban Nirvana from January 4th to April 4th.

Limit to 10 participants each Wednesday so please pre-register with Urban Nirvana online or phone 647-242-7047.

Location: 895 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor. Toronto
TTC: Rosedale Station (Urban Nirvana is half a block south)
Parking: Street Parking on side streets or park at Canadian Tire just south of Urban Nirvana

Cost: $20

Every moment is a chrysalis for the next!
~sioux patullo

“Babies turn upside down in the womb before birth, fruit hangs heavy as it ripens, caterpillars dissolve inside a chrysalis to become a butterfly…Metamorphosis: a template for radical change!”
~We’Moon 2012: Gaia Rhythms For Women

January 4th: “Trust Your Wings” (Anna)

January 11th: “Footsteps Inward” (Vanya)

January 18th: “New Seed, New Year Ceremony” (Jennifer and DOWH co-creators)
*limited to 6 participants (+ 6 facilitators!)

January 25th: “Claiming Ground” (Tara)

February 1st: “Baba Yaga: Where Magick and Reality Meet” (Tracey)

February 8th: Full Moon: “Honouring Our Dark Moon Time” (Heryka)

February 15th: Valentine’s Edition: “You are the One You’ve Been Waiting For!” (Vanya)

February 22nd: “Arbor and Ground” (Jen/Astrid)

February 29th: Leap Year: “The Great Unveiling” (Britta)

March 7th: tbd (Tara)

March 14th: “Dancing the River” (Anna)

March 21st: “Rebirth: Spring Equinox Transformation” (Vanya)

March 28th: “The Co-Creatrix” (Savita)

April 4th: tbd (Tara and Britta)

Hope you can join us,

The DOWH Chyrsalis Facilitators

"The Body says what words cannot!"

Eat. Sleep. Breathe. Love. DANCE!

"The Body says what words cannot!"

Eat. Sleep. Breathe. Love. DANCE!