PRIVATE: NON Toxic Living for the Women's Place

03/20/2013 5:30 pm
03/20/2013 7:00 pm

Women's Place, an information and referral self-help centre for women who live in the Malvern neighbourhood (in Scarborough). Over a 12 week period, we will be conducting a 12 week series of workshops that we have named "How to". We are hoping that you would be able to facilitate a workshop on Non-Toxic Living. A lot of the women who attend the workshop are interested in using natural products, some of them which can be found in their homes, to clean, use as a beauty products, use for their children, etc.

Right now, we have topics around using tools in the home safely, using the internet safely (i.e. for job hunting, apartment searching, dating, etc), dressing to impress on a budget, de-cluttering your body and spirit.

I hope that women really come out to your workshop come out with the understanding of how to eliminate toxic material from their home, either in the cleaning products that they use, or what they use in their beauty routine. The women that come into our centre are a very diverse group, and they love the idea of being natural in all aspects of their lives. They sometimes refer to "back home" remedies when there are discussions around being healthy, so I hope the workshop adds another layer onto what they already know.

There's so much that's said to be bad for you, and bad for the environment, but who do you believe, and where do you start? Don't worry; be healthy! From phthalates and plastics, to parabens and PCBs, we'll discuss the toxins that commonly plague us in our environment and about simple, immediate solutions that will benefit our health and our planet. We will discuss common household cleaning, bath, baby and beauty products that can easily be replaced with healthful products you can make yourself, or buy locally.

You'll come away with your own list of easy, life enhancing changes you can start making today, and the information you need to make healthy decisions for you and your family. Please feel free bring along some of your favorite personal care products and find out what really lies within!