Blend: Allergy Aid

Price: $15.00

Created to alleviate seasonal #allergy symptoms...
100% #EssentialOil blends are evidence-based alternatives to conventional an #antihistamine and a #decongestant.

The blend is entirely steamed distilled from plants and can be used by:
* Diffusing them into the air with a #candle, reed or terra cotta #diffuser
* Adding 3-6 drops to a bath or in your #bath, #bodycare and #spa products
* Applying them to the skin when diluted. We can create a custom roll-on #perfume for you on the spot using 20% of any blend plus 80% golden jojoba oil. 10mL in a glass roller bottle in the colour of your choice.
* Spraying them into the air. We can create a custom #Room Spray or #Deodorizer for you on the spot using 5% of any blend plus a blend of essential oils in alcohol in a base of #witchhazel or #hydrosol. 120mL for $15 in a blue glass spray bottle.
* Inhaling the blend directly from the bottle!

#Breathing in the oils’ scents carries the essential oils to your #respiratory system and brain. Applying (always diluted!) to your body carries the essential oils into your bloodstream. When you have respiratory, mood or mental symptoms, it's most effective to #inhale the blend.

Lavender Bulgarian Essential Oil helps to soothe allergy symptoms thanks to its ability to #calm and reduce inflammation. One *study concluded that the essential oil prevents allergic inflammation as well as the enlargement of mucous cells. #Lavender naturally quells #inflammation, inhibits #anxiety, and encourages a deep #sleep, all of which can benefit people with #allergies.

Lavender is an especially good option for #skin allergies, as it is gentle on the skin and calms irritation, with *research indicating that it speeds up healing.

Sweet Basil Certified Organic Essential Oil is an effective antihistamine that especially helps keep #bronchial passages open. It's #antispasmodic, relieving #cough, and an overall energizing, yet calming #tonic.

True Peppermint Essential oil is known to reduce inflammation, especially of the #sinuses and to break up #mucous and clear #airways, so you’ll be able to breathe easier. A 2010 **study found that #peppermint oil has a #relaxing effect on smooth muscles, helping to reduce the contractions that cause coughing.

Indian Frankincense Essential Oil reduces #inflammatory activity in the body. One ***study reports that #frankincense exhibits anti-inflammatory effects in #bronchitis, with inflammation of the airways, and sinus infections. It's also beneficial for people with #asthma.

* Lavender

** Peppermint

*** Frankincense

Photo thanks to Photo 98549385 © Elina Zolotareva |


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