Events, Workshops & Labs: Sign Up!

Events, Workshops & Labs: Sign Up! Sign up, pre register and pre pay for evening, full day workshops labs and events at Anarres. Also buy workshop notes and product development consultation.
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Woman handing a heart for Workshop Honoraria & Donations to My WorkWorkshop Honoraria & Donations to My Work$0.00
Calendula flowers and a cork bottle of oil poster for Make Healing Herbal OilsMake Healing Herbal Oils at Karma Coop$0.00
Illustration of a Persian Tree of Life headlined Anarres PoliciesAnarres Policies$0.00
Not Far From The Tree PickNot Far From The Tree Pick$0.00
Two Palestinian Women in hijab plant an olive tree saplingDonations and Tips for Olive Trees$0.00
Tracey TieF Private Business ConsultationsBusiness Consultation$0.00
kid washing window with blue spray The Art and Science of Natural Cleaning Table at Karma Coop$0.00
mini_workshops_AnarresTracey at UniCamp!$0.00
Camp Naivelt Jewish Magic and Fantasy WeekendWands Workshop at Camp Naivelt$0.00
Roots of Magical Trees for DIY Personal Care 2-hr WorkshopsDIY Personal Care 2-hr Workshops for Community Groups$0.00