Powder: Fo-Ti Root, Cured, sold by the gram

Price: $0.09
Extract: Fo-Ti Root Powder
Extract: Fo-Ti Root Powder, Cured, sold by the gram

Polygonum multiflorum Ho Shou Wu aka Fo-Ti, cured and powdered, from China. Fo-ti is applied directly to the skin for sores, carbuncles, skin eruptions, and itching. The extract is used as an ingredient in hair and skin care products.

Fo-ti is an herb. The processed (cured) root of the plant is used to make medicine.

Sold by the gram @$0.1356/g. Please bring or order a bag.

MAIL OR PICK UP ORDER (pre-packed)
You must (please) order a minimum of 100g (or $5 worth whichever is less) and buy a biodegradable bag or container.
We reserve the right to change your container to a more appropriate size as needed and to credit or invoice you for any difference in your total order cost.

THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. Please consult with a licensed herbal or medical practitioner.

Fo-ti protects the heart and brain but misuse can damage the liver. Learn the benefits and side effects.

Fo-ti is used for treating tuberculosis that has spread to the lymph nodes, cancer, inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), and constipation. It is also used as a liver and kidney “tonic”; as a blood and “vital essence” toner; and to fortify muscles, tendons, and bones. Fo-ti is also used for high cholesterol and other elevated blood fats, trouble sleeping (insomnia), limb numbness, lower back and knee soreness or weakness, premature graying, hair loss, and dizziness with ringing in the ears (tinnitus).

Fo-ti cured root might affect the levels of various chemicals in the body which have been suggested to have anti-aging effects.