Tincture: St John's Wort 1:10 combined oil & alcohol

Price: $40.00
Tincture: St John's Wort 1:10 combined oil & alcohol

230g in an 8-ounce blue glass bottle.

St. John’s Wort is traditionally used as a sedative for relief of restlessness or nervousness.

St. John's Wort is used for depression, dysthymia, anxiety, heart palpitations, mood disturbances associated with menopause, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). St. John's Wort is also recognized as having strong antiviral properties.

Medicinal Action and Uses---Aromatic, astringent, resolvent, expectorant and nervine. Used in all pulmonary complaints, bladder troubles, in the suppression of urine, dysentery, worms, diarrhoea, hysteria and nervous depression, haemoptysis and other haemorrhages and jaundice. For children troubled with incontinence of urine at night, an infusion or tea given before retiring will be found effectual; it is also useful in pulmonary consumption, chronic catarrh of the lungs, bowels or urinary passages. Externally for fomentations to dispel hard tumours, caked breasts, ecchymosis, etc.

The ingredients in this St. John's Wort tincture are certified organic.


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