Wand: Herbs and Flowers for Saining and Burning

Price: $5.00

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Herbs and Flowers for Saining and Burning Wands
Herbs and Flowers Circle of Wands 2Herbs and Flowers for Good Fortune WandsHerbs and Flowers for Good Fortune Wands 2Comfrey Wand for Saining and BurningEvergreen Wand for Saining and BurningWand for Saining and BurningHerbs and Flowers Wands Post

Some wands I've made:
Abundance Blessing: mint, rose geranium, lemon balm
Protection: wormwood, mugwort, rosemary
Love Drawing: rose geranium, lemon balm, lavender
Sweetness & Safety: White cedar, juniper, sweetgrass
Healthy Boundaries: comfrey and spruce
Avoid ____________: spruce and spicebush
Protect from Theft: spruce and comfrey
Safe and Invisible: spicebush and spruce
Ghost Away!: comfrey and spruce
Sacred Stealth: Lindera Benzoin (spicebush

WHITE CEDAR: sacred to this land
COMFREY: To help vanquish a ghost. Helps you hold onto money you have or the money that you win from gambling
can be carried for safety and good health while travelling or when away from home
*Healing *Sleep *A strong herb for protection against any type of negativity, especially when traveling, and particularly for protection in the astral realms.
GOLDENROD: to attract money, to attract
JUNIPER: to bring back things that are lost, to cleanse & protect from ill doings
LAVENDER: for peace & relaxation, to ease anxiety
LEMON BALM: to protect from harm
MUGWORT: for divination
ROSEMARY: for memory & focus
GARDEN SAGE: to cleanse
WINTER SAVOURY: to ignite passion
YARROW: to protect

Very limited edition, grown locally and crafted at Anarres. Since each is hand wrapped and made with fresh herbs grown locally, there is a limited supply of each type based on season and supply. If we do not have the wand that you are looking for we are willing to substitute for a satchel made with the same herbs or another wand with similar properties.

With the discovery of fire, early humans began to notice that aromatic smoke was produced by burning dried plants. As herbs, roots, resins and barks are changed from their physical form (of this world), they are changed by the element of fire into smoke (spirit world form). This transformation is evidence of the spirit within substances. Throughout human history, aromatic plants have been used in the daily activities of people from every culture. In Catholicism, the use of incense is likened to one's prayer being kindled by fire in the heart, spoken by the lips resulting in the odor of Christ on the breath.

As time has passed, this connection between people and plants is being forgotten. We are drifting further and further away from the ways that connect us to the plant and animal spirits we share the earth with. We are losing our understanding of the physical things around us that connect us to the spirit of life. People native to Turtle Island (The Americas) understand that the influence of plant medicine is very real in their daily lives.

Smudging is a ceremony specific to the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. Sacred herbs are tobaccos, sages, cedarwoods, and sweetgrass. If you are not a member of an indigenous tradition, you are not smudging.

Saining (Gaelic seun and sian and the Old Irish sén)is a Scots word for blessing, protecting or consecrating, and includes formal and informal rites using fire, smoke, water etc. Juniper and other herbs are burned in saining.

Ideas of some we have made in the past:
Attraction: Lindera benzoin for manifestation, Holy Basil for prosperity, lavender for a sense of security

Abundance Blessing: mint, rose geranium, and lemon balm helps you attract and manifest

At Peace: Lindera benzoin to help release emotional blockages and create comfort, harmonious lavender, and soothing lemon balm

Clarity of vision: mugwort for protection, sage for cleansing, and fir balsam for grounding

Clean Sweep: wormwood to protect from evil spirits, mugwort for cleansing, and juniper for purification

Comfort: lavender for a sense of calm and security, sage to remove negativity, and soothing lemon balm

Crystal Clear: lavender, rosemary, mugwort

Easy Street: comfrey to increase luck, goldenrod attracts money, juniper to protect from ill-doing

Happy Dreams: uplifting lemon balm, cleansing green sage, mugwort for the protection of dreams

Happy Trails: comfrey for safe travels, geranium for communication and understanding, and lemon balm to ease anxiety

Harmony: uplifting lemon balm, peaceful lavender, and tulsi to restore balance

Heritage Returns: cedar because it is sacred to this land and juniper helps bring back things that are lost

Home Safe Home: citronella increases positivity and repels evil, lavender for serenity, lemon balm to call you here

Jump Start: goldenrod juniper winter savory

Love Drawing: rose geranium to help open the heart, lemon balm to help move forward, and lavender to help look for harmonious love

Protection: wormwood to protect from evil spirits and disease, mugwort for cleansing, rosemary for purification

Passion: winter savoury is an aphrodisiac, mint is invigorating, and lemon verbena to attract love

Power of Three: goldenrod yarrow sage

Safe Journey: linden benzoin invites the moon spirit, wormwood engages mind & spirit, yarrow to protect from all harm

Second Sight: lavender to ease anxiety, mugwort to help with divination, and lemon balm to create a relaxed state

Sweet Dreams: sage for cleansing the mind before bed, mugwort to protect your dreams, lemon balm to soothe and lavender to help calm you before bed


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